Monday, April 22, 2019

How to configure Github SSH Key on windows

I followed below in windows (With Git for Windows installed)
  1. Run "Git Gui" (Start --> Git --> Git Gui)
  2. Click Help and then Show SSH Key
  3. Click Generate Key if you do not have one already
Note:- this creates the key files under your personal profile folder C:\Users\YourUserID\.ssh\
enter image description here

Monday, April 1, 2019

How to install Java JDK and Netbeans 10 on Windows 10

Enviroment with Java OpenJDK and Netbeans on windows 10

  1. Install RedHatJava OpenJDK .msi installer on
    1. Use the installer to install Java
  2. Download Netbeans from
    1. Move Netbeans to C:\Program Files
    2. Try executing Netbeans on netbeans\bin
    3. You can create a shortcut from your Netbeans executable file to the home screen.
  3. All ready.