Friday, February 28, 2014

How to configure MySQL DB Connector on Tomcat7

Frist, add the db connector driver .jar to the folder ...tomcat7/lib

Then, add the following code before DriverManager.getConnection(...);


IT's done!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Change the computer resolution Ubuntu

[this process was accomplished using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS]


xrandr // get the currently display modes

xrandr --output LVDS1 --scale XxX  // scale the image

xrandr --output LVDS1 --panning 1640x922 // change the resolution output

I used this sentence:
xrandr --output LVDS1 --scale 1.2x1.2 --panning 1640x922
xrandr --output LVDS1 --scale 1x1 --panning 1366x768