Follows the Option1 from this tutorial ( Full version bellow:
- Using the “Windows Key“ + “R” to open run and type “taskschd.msc“. This will open Task Scheduler.
- Under the actions panel, you can choose to create a back task or create a task. Click “Create Task“.
- The “Create Task” screen will appear. Select the “General” tab
- In the “Name” field, give the task a name. Example: “Outlook Task“.
- In the “Description” field, here you can describe what the task is for and what it will do.
- The last section is the “Security options“, here you can set who can run this task and if the task has admin right.
- Select the “Triggers” tab.
- Select “New…“.
- The “New Trigger” window will appear, here you have the option to set when the task will start.
- Select when you would like the task to start in the “Begin the task” drop-down menu.
- Modify the “Settings” area as desired.
- In the “Advanced settings” field you can choose to delay task, repeat task, stop task, activate and expire.
- “Enabled” is checked by default.
- Select “OK“.
- Select the “Actions” tab, then select “New“.
- The “New Action” window will open.
- In the “Action” drop down, “Start a program” is set by default. Change it if desired.
- Select “Browse…” next to the “Program/script” field
- Browse to the program you are wanting to schedule a task for.
- EXTRA: It might be useful to set the Start In parameter, which is the working directory (directory where your program is gonna be ran from).
- Select “OK“.
- Go to the “Conditions” tab.
- You can change these if you’d like, but I recommend leaving these settings default.
- Select the “Settings” tab. You can change these if you’d like, but I recommend leaving these alone.
- Select “OK“.